Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I *should* be working on Christmas photos

But we did this today instead. Maddi REALLY thought she was getting away with something. She was painting. In the livingroom. She kept looking up at me, as if I were trapping her or something...ha ha!





Mandi said...

adorable is an understatement! did you get my reply e-mail about the website? i haven't heard from you in forever! just checking!

TracyVDM said...

So precious! I especially love the one of Allie!!

Stacey R. said...

those are TERRIFIC!! I love them, Lyndsey.

Anonymous said...


TracyVDM said...

you need to update your blog, girl! I keep checking back. LOL!

LyndseyS said...

LOL I know! I have been slacking!